Welcome to our Sustainable Partnership Network
About our sustainable community
At the intersection of fashion and sustainability, we are building a vibrant and collaborative community of creators committed to the future of the planet. Our Sustainable Partnerships page is a space dedicated to celebrating the alliances that shape a more ethical, transparent and responsible fashion sector.
Our network of partnerships is much more than a simple commercial collaboration. It is a mutual commitment to shared values of respect for the environment, social justice and sustainable innovation. We work side by side with fashion and accessories designers who not only embrace these values, but incorporate them into every aspect of their work.
By joining forces with sustainable fashion visionaries, we are creating a powerful movement towards a concept that goes beyond aesthetics.
Our Sustainable Partnerships page is a testament to the power of collaboration to drive positive change..We invite you to explore the inspiring stories behind each partnership, discover the resulting eco-conscious collections and join us on this journey towards more conscious and sustainable fashion. Together, we are shaping a future where fashion is a force for good, and every fashion choice tells a story of hope and progress. Welcome to our Sustainable Partnerships network.
Alina Skachkova
I'm Alina, a master of handicrafts, I live in Ukraine, in the city of the front line, to distract myself from the situations around me, I started knitting and have been doing it for almost two years now.
My mission is to help lovely girls enhance their style and personality.
All my products are handmade. It's important for me to control quality at every stage, I put all my skills and love into each product.
The art of Crochet
мистецтво в'язання гачком
Я Аліна, майстриня рукоділля, живу в Україні, в прифронтовому місті, щоб відволіктися від ситуацій навколо, я почала в'язати і займаюся цим вже майже два роки.
Моя місія - допомагати милим дівчатам підкреслити свій стиль та індивідуальність.
Всі мої вироби - ручної роботи. Для мене важливо контролювати якість на кожному етапі, я вкладаю всю свою майстерність і любов у кожен виріб.
Crocheting and what can be done with it
Vania Sá
Criativa e apaixonada pelo artesanato, transformo fios e ideias em peças únicas de crochet. Natural do Porto, onde vivo e trabalho, trago uma abordagem contemporânea a esta técnica tradicional, criando acessórios e roupas que celebram o design artesanal com um toque moderno. Sou também fundadora da marca BeBallerina, onde produzo e comercializo as minhas criações, combinando originalidade e autenticidade em cada peça.
I'm a young creative with a passion for handicrafts, transforming threads and ideas into unique crochet pieces. Originally from Porto, where I live and work, I bring a contemporary approach to this traditional technique, creating accessories and clothes that celebrate handmade design with a modern twist. I am also the founder of the BeBallerina brand, where I produce and sell my creations, combining originality and authenticity in each piece.